Hosonic Electronic

Hosonic was founded in 1979, produced resistor and capacitor at the beginning, while turned to focus on crystal products since its first crystal production line set up in Taiwan in 1991. Since then, Hosonic expanded its production in mainland China. Now, it has four production facilities in east and south of mainland China, and nine sales& FAE sites and ten sales representatives & distributor sites around the world. Hosonic is now one of the leading professional crystal resonators and crystal oscillators manufacturers in the world, dedicated in Dip and SMD type of crystal and oscillator’s R&D, production and sales.Hosonic is committed to provide the best Quality, Service, and Value to its customers to cope with ever changing technology and environment challenges.Hosonic is focused on its core technologies and encourage employees for creativity, innovation, and team-work.

Hosonic Electronic Produits populaires


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